The marriage of Joseph and Mary

Super Flumina

under the patronage of St Joseph and St Dominic

By the rivers of Babylon there we sat and wept, remembering Zion;
on the poplars that grew there we hung up our harps. . . Ps 136

St Dominic


Philosophy behind this website

Professor Solomon's Introduction to Philosophy

11th September 2001


Australia's Catholic Bishops

Australian Catholic Bishops should say

Australia's Support for Legislation Worthy of Adolf Hitler


Bill of Rights




Church's Fathers & Doctors

Church's Teaching on Divorce, Contraception and Human Sexuality

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David Attenborough

Defamation of Catholicism

Discipline & the Child

Dismissal of the Whitlam Government

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Evangelium Vitae 73



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God is not Material

Harry Potter



Letter of St Paul to the Hebrews

Mary MacKillop

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Non-directional Counselling

Papers written by others


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Pope Leo XIII

Pope Pius XII

Popes on St Thomas



Religious Freedom

Questions for Catholic Parents in Parramatta

Research Involving Embryos Bill - Letter to the Prime Minister

Sts John Fisher & Thomas More

Science and Philosophy


Subversion of Catholic Education


Thomas Merton

Vatican II

For young readers:

Myall Lakes Adventure

© 2006 Website by Netvantage


What the Australian Catholic Bishops should say

I. ABORTION––What the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference should say, but won't

Recently the Australian Catholic bishops issued a media release entitled "Catholic Bishops propose abortion alternatives". It is inadequate, to say the least. What should they be saying? more

II. CONTRACEPTION––What the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference should say, but won't

If our bishops were truly Catholic they would stand up publicly for Catholic principle on the issue of contraception.  They would set forth for all Australian people - not just Catholics - what the principles are and what they may, and may not, licitly do.  The bishops would not persist, as they have for more than 30 years, in the poisonous attitude of remaining silent when bound, by the oaths of office they have taken, to uphold true moral teaching. more

III. IVF––What the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference should say, but won't

IVF is the inevitable result of the entrenching in society of the contraceptive mentality. Australia's Catholic bishops have remained silent on contraception. Consistently with this failure, they have failed to condemn IVF. What statement should they now make in an endeavour to redress their failures and to redeem themselves?" more

IV. The Seal of the Confessional

The Catholic Sacrament of Penance is under attack from atheistic forces using the hard case of the sexual abuse of children.  We set out here the principles including the utter necessity of silence on the part of the Confessor-priest over what he has been told in Confession.  more