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The legislature of the Philippines is contemplating passing into law a bill for an Act to provide—
This Act will include the following frightful provisions—
s. 16 The following acts are prohibited:
- Any health care service provider, whether public or private, who shall:
- knowingly withhold information, or restrict the dissemination thereof, and/or intentionally provide incorrect information regarding programs and services on reproductive health including the right to informed choice and access to a full range of legal, medically safe and effective family planning methods;
- refuse to perform voluntary sterilisation and ligation and other legal and medically safe reproductive health care services on any person of legal ageon the ground of lack of third party consent or authorisation…
- fail or cause to fail deliberately, or through gross negligence, or inexcusable neglect the delivery of reproductive health care services as mandated…
- refuse to extend health care services and information on account of the person’s marital status, gender, or sexual orientation, age, religion, personal circumstances and nature of work…
- Any public official at both the national and local levels with power and authority over any subordinate who shall prohibit or intentionally restrict the delivery of legal and medically safe reproductive health care services, including family planning;
- …
- Any person who shall engage in wilful disinformation with respect to reproductive health care and rights or the provisions of this Act or cause such disinformation.
s.17 Penalties—Any violation of this Act shall be penalised by imprisonment ranging from one (1) month to six (6) months or a fine of twenty thousand pesos (P20,000) or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the proper court. If the offender is a juridical person the penalty shall be imposed upon the President, Treasurer, Secretary or any person or officer responsible for the violation. If the offender is an alien, he/she shall, after service of sentence, be deported immediately without further proceedings in the Bureau of Immigration. If the offender is a public officer or employee, the Court shall in addition to the penalties provided, order his/her dismissal from the Government service.
In addition to the foregoing penalties, violators of this Act shall be liable to the offended or injured parties, women and/or couples for civil damages, the amount of which shall be subject to the discretion of the competent court.
The legislation has been prepared by the Philippines Legislators Committee on Population and Development which comprises some 70 members of the Philippines’ Congress.
The Australian Connection
Australians will no doubt regard a country whose members would allow their legislators to introduce and pass such draconian and totalitarian legislation as utterly deserving of the fruits of their own stupidity. However, the predominantly Catholic and poor population of the Philippines is largely powerless. It is ruled by a political elite in a system dominated by graft and Freemasonry . The members of this elite are besotted with the tenets of secular humanism.
The Philippine’s legislation is actively supported by the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA). Via its relief agency, AusAID, the Australian Government funds this organisation specifically with regard to the Philippines, and, hence, is funding the contributors to this legislation. In fact, the Australian Embassy in Manila issued a Media Release on 23rd June 2005 broadcasting the fact—
An agreement that will enable the Australian Agency for International Development AusAID to provide A$2.8 million… in grant (sic) to two population projects in the Philippines was signed recently by Ambassador Tony Hely of Australia and Dr Zahidul Huque, Country Representative of the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA).
The population initiatives, which will help promote adolescent reproductive health and conduct advocacy work on population and reproductive health policy and program in the Philippines, will be co-financed with UNFPA.
Specifically, the project aims to enhance the policy environment for population management and reproductive health through a range of advocacy activities that will contribute to the passage of a reproductive health bill and related legislation at the national and local levels…
The project will be implemented by the UNFPA, the Commission on Population, the Philippines Legislators Committee on Population and Development [and others]…
Hence, you, Dear Australian Taxpayer, are helping to fund this appalling legislation!
Why not write to Mr Bruce Billson, Parliamentary Secretary to Alexander Downer, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and voice your concerns that this free country should be helping to import totalitarianism in the Philippines? His address is—
Bruce Billson, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600
Phone: 02 6277 4879
Electoral Office: ‘Plowman Residence’, 20 Davey Street, Frankston, Victoria 3199
Michael Baker
3rd November 2005—St Martin de Porres