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under the patronage of St Joseph
and St Dominic
By the rivers of Babylon there
we sat and wept, remembering Zion; |
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‘CONSCIENCE DOTH MAKE COWARDS OF US ALL’Shakespeare’s line put in the mouth of Hamlet is uttered ironically for it is said of the fear of the intending suicide of the consequences of his act but, as Aristotle noted in his Ethics, it is not courage that drives the suicide but fear.[1]
The line is memorable, however, for its resonance with Dr Johnson’s condemnation of the false patriotism of William Pitt (the Elder) and his supporters as “the last refuge of the scoundrel”. Thus did the Catholic renegades whose rejection of God’s authority led to ‘the Reformation’ seek to justify their rebellion by recourse to ‘conscience’, as if conscience was a supreme rule.[2] ‘Conscience’ was the principle to which Henry Tudor appealed to justify abandonment of his marriage vows to his Queen, Catherine of Aragon, in 1533.
Conscience presupposes a sound grasp, and diligent conformity, to the universal principles of the moral law. It is quite incapable of serving as a ground of justifiable action in the absence of that conformity. It is not, as modern thought promoted by the Enlightenment teaches, a power or faculty in itself. It is a judgement of the practical reason in which the mind applies moral principle to each situation.
The principals of both major parties – Labor and Liberal – in the New South Wales Parliament have advised that their members will not be subject to party discipline but will be permitted ‘a conscience vote’ on the Abortion Law Reform Amendment Bill to be debated this week. The Bill seeks to compel Catholic hospitals and their employees to cooperate in the provision of induced abortion services in the State.
Since the proposed ‘law’ if passed will serve to compound existing breaches of the moral law which are destroying the common good, it will, consistent with natural principle, not be a law at all but a species of violence which will add to the individual and social harm ravaging the men, women and children of this State.[3]
People are wont to refer to parliament as a cowards’ castle. Time will tell whether the NSW Parliament lives up to that epithet.
Michael Baker March
2025—Solemnity of St
Joseph [1] ‘To flee from trouble is a form of cowardice; and, whilst it is true that the suicide braves death, he does it not for some noble object but to escape some ill. [2] Confirmed by English historian, Sir Maurice Powicke in his The Reformation in England (London, 1941): “The claim of conscience in the end took the place of Rome”. [3] St Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae I-II, q. 96, a. 4 LENT 2025Another Lent, and who knows whether it may not be the last before we are called to account by our Maker and Redeemer. A first thought from St Teresa. She used to urge her nuns – Since Almighty God has so few friends it is important for them to be good ones. This is why our Lenten exercises this year should be good ones. A second thought: the world is going to Hell in a handcart. There is so little decent leadership in any society and almost no moral leadership with the Catholic Church governed by a Pope who has little clue as to what he is doing or of the dignity of the high office to which he has been raised. Who is to make reparation to Almighty God for the savagery and abandonment of moral principle to be found in every one of the allegedly civilised countries of the world? It is given to us to work that, in our flesh, we may— “fill up those things that are wanting of the sufferings of Christ… for His body which is the Church.” (Colossians 1: 24) This is why our Lenten exercises this year should be good ones. Recently an American bishop compared Lent to Ramadan, the Muslims’ ‘penitential’ season. That he should have reversed the reality – Ramadan is a mocking and imprudent copy of the penitential season established by God and His holy Church 500 years prior to Mohammed’s so-called revelations – is indicative of the profound collapse of the Church’s influence in the world. Mohammedanism has only gained a position of authority in the sixty years that followed the Vatican synod of 1962-65 because the Catholic bishops, under its pernicious influence, have systematically abandoned the duties and responsibilities attaching to their office. By their silence and inaction they have reduced to a cypher the influence and significance of the One Thing Almighty God established for the peace of the world and the ultimate good of its members. Nature abhors a vacuum: where the presence and influence of the Church has been removed, the devil has imported his own. St John Chrysostom teaches— “No one can feel such implacable hatred for his worst enemies as the Evil One feels for the human race.” (On the Priesthood 6: 13) But the devil cannot achieve his ends without human instruments. Do you want to see them at work? Study the savagery of his Muslim acolytes in the Hamas organisation towards the innocent Jews they kidnapped in Israel more than twelve months ago. Who is to make reparation to God for their appalling behaviour? These are additional reasons why our Lenten exercises this year should be good ones.
March 5th, 2025—Ash Wednesday OUR LADY OF LOURDESA short paper highlighting the doctrinal issue that confirmed the revelations made to the peasant girl, Bernadette Soubirous, by Our Blessed Lady in 1858. more
TWO WORM-RIDDEN POPESThis paper considers two prophecies said to have been made by Our Blessed Lady to the children at La Salette almost 180 years ago. They relate to the conditions in which the Catholic Church and her faithful find themselves today. more
THE TWO CHURCHESThis paper offers a solution to issues that confront every Catholic over the mixing with his Catholic belief of the heterodox utterances in Vatican II. It shows how Popes and bishops who seek to justify serial departures from Catholic principle occurred. more LIFE UNDER THE BANE OF SUBJECTIVISMThis is a conflation in one paper of three separate papers originally produced in 2010, revised in 2019 and again in 2024. more THE CHURCH OF PAUL VI AND OF JOHN PAUL IIWhat Pope Paul VI intended by the title 'Mother of the Church' imposed on Our Blessed Lady is other than what you think. more CRITIQUE OF A STUDY PURPORTING TO EVIDENCE REINCARNATIONThis paper addresses a study prepared in 2016 by an American medico offering evidence in support of the reincarnation, in a boy born in 1998, of an American pilot killed in the Pacific towards the end of the Second World War. more FOR LOVE OF THE CHURCHBelloc described Christ's Church as "the one thing in this world which is different from all other". Catholic poet, Francis Thompson, added a gloss to this title in a poem found among his effects after he died in 1907. more ARCHBISHOP VIGANÒ’S EXCOMMUNICATIONThis is a study of the events leading to the purported excommunication of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on July 5th, 2024. Along with the immense power of intellect Almighty God gave us the facility of distinction. He expects us to exercise it. We do that by not jumping to conclusions, not assuming that because Archbishop Viganò is excommunicated, or allegedly excommunicated, everything he says may be ignored. At the heart of the business is the radical division among the Catholic faithful brought about by the immense imposture of the Second Vatican Council. more AT LAST, A BISHOP CONDEMNS VATICAN IIOn the vigil of the Feast of Sts Peter & Paul, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano published a criticism of Pope Francis in the course of which he asserted that he regards the Second Vatican Council as completely devoid of magisterial authority. This is our comment on the Archbishop's Statement. more FURTHER THOUGHTS ON THE HEAVENLY BODY, ARISTOTLE'S AETHER, ST THOMAS'S 'FIRST ALTERING BODY'It is now some six months since publication of How The Universe Operates by Austin Macauley Publishers. A few further considerations on its thesis have occurred to the author. more THE STATEMENT ON POPE FRANCISThis is a criticism of the ground on which the recent Statement on Pope Francis was based. more THE DUPLICITY OF CREATION SCIENCECreation science has infiltrated the Catholic faithful via Protestant converts who have not thrown off all the characteristics of the heresy they have allegedly abandoned. It is grounded in intellectual confusion and in lies. more EXPLAINING THE VOYAGER DISASTERThe collision of the destroyer HMAS Voyager with the aircraft carrier HMAS Melbourne occurred just over sixty years ago. The writer has long been exasperated over the failure of two Royal Commissions, the first in 1964, the second in 1967, to identify the cause of the collision when, if justice had been accorded the evidence of Lieutenant Commander (Retired) Peter Cabban, there was sufficient to establish its cause on the balance of probabilities and, arguably, beyond a reasonable doubt. That evidence was published in full in 2005 in Cabban’s book, written with David Salter, Breaking Ranks. The present paper seeks to spell out the implications. more Review of How
the Universe Operates
LAUNCH OF BOOK 'HOW THE UNIVERSE OPERATES'How the Universe Operates was launched by UK publishers Austin Macauley on December 8th 2023. A link to the publisher’s website is here. The book is featured on Amazon here. It may be purchased either in Kindle or paperback editions at good booksellers or via amazon.com or amazon.com.au |
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In 1993 the late Fr Paul Mankowski published an incisive criticism of the dissent to Humanae Vitae. That dissent did not arise spontaneously. It was precipitated by the scandal committed by the bishops of Vatican II in dissenting from the Church's teaching which Council had concluded less than three years prior. more
Here is a commentary on the late Pope Benedict's last Address to priests of the Diocese of Rome. more
This is an extract from one of the many audiotapes of the late Fr Gregory Hesse S.T.D., S.J.D. more
A passing comment of St Thomas in his Summa Contra Gentiles seems to confirm a view expressed in the booksize paper How the Universe Operates on our website. more
For our edification St Thomas exposed in his writings just how dependent we are on God at every moment of our earthly existence. more
Today marks the 120th anniversary of the death of Pope Leo XIII and the twentieth anniversary of this website. It is appropriate for us to provide a report on those years of operation. Regrettably things have not got better but worse not only for the Catholic faithful but for society generally. Despite the chaos that marks the current governance of God's Holy Church as a result of the abdication of Catholic in favour of Modernist principle on the part of Pope and bishops, the Holy Spirit is still running the show. We take the opportunity to renew our faith in Him and His providence confident that His permission of the evils will result in the much greater good that He will elicit from them when the time is appropriate. more
The meaning of 'heaven' is hidden in our English translation of its usage in the original texts which are rendered in Latin by St Jerome. It seems to have two different meanings. more
The thinkers who followed, some 50 to 100 years after the event, the revolt of German and English Catholics against God and His Holy Church, sought to defend its inchoate atheism. Today we are suffering the appalling effects of the irrationality in which they engaged. That those effects are worse than they might have been we owe to the systematic abrogation of their responsibilities by the bishops of the Catholic Church. more
Did the priest responsible for the 'big bang' thesis reflect the teachings of God's Holy Church when he offered his suggestion on the beginnings of the universe? more
We publish here a further extract from historian Henry Sire’s Phoenix from the Ashes (Kettering OH, Angelico Press, 2015, pp. 93-100) to aid the Catholic faithful in their defence of the faith against the Protestant and atheistic impositions.
Galileo was a man whom, in today’s argot, we would describe as possessed of attitude, i.e., truculence or pig-headedness. He was a good scientist but had a higher opinion of himself and his views than reality allowed. He was also dishonest. Had it not been discovered, long after the events that saw him marginalised by the Catholic Church, that his opinion was close to the truth uncovered by Sir Isaac Newton 55 years later, and that his condemnation could conveniently be used as a stick with which to beat the Church, his intemperateness might have attracted the obloquy it deserved. Sire identifies the issues in this way: “A clash between impudent folly and pompous autocracy has… been misrepresented as a conflict between science and religion”. more
Dr Chris Decaen of Thomas Aquinas College has a splendid article on the topic on the College's website here:
Phoenix from the Ashes - The Making, Unmaking, and Restoration of Catholic Tradition by H J A Sire [Kettering, Ohio, Angelico Press http://angelicopress.com/sire-phoenix-from-the-ashes , 2015] is as admirable as it is timely. Here is a review of this important book. more
THE PROBLEM WITH VATICAN IIThis is a book length pdf file comprised of various papers published on superflumina on the vexed topic of the Second Vatican Council. The reader can download it freely. He can navigate via the Index to any of its chapters. He can have his computer read the text aloud while he labours at some task in the house, or as he drives the car. It is hoped to produce it in several additional ebook formats in due course.This is a revised and shortened version of the original publication. more |
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THE POMPOUS ATHEISTThis ebook addresses the endemic modern problem of atheism—belief in no-God. Atheists assert that they are above superstition, the ‘superstition’ of religious belief, but it is not true. Not only are they believers, they are believers without the slightest evidence of that in which they believe. They are the real exponents of ‘religious liberty’ for they insist on the freedom to believe there is no God. Their every action involves acceptance of causation. But, obsessed with an idea, they choose to deny causations’s reality when it comes to their own essence and existence. In this series of essays we have endeavoured to make it plain just how stupid is the atheistic thesis.It is reasonable to believe in God, no matter how confused one’s belief may be. The fundamental issues are these: 1. I did not bring myself into existence; 2. I do not keep myself in existence; 3. in this world of reality I am one of the privileged beings for not only do I know singular things, like brute animals, but I know their very natures; 4. nothing exists without an adequate cause—and that includes me! Moreover, 5. the one who caused me must be living and intellectual, as I am living and intellectual—but an immensely greater being. It is hoped that the presentation of these essays will assist the reader in resisting the temptation to embrace the atheistic virus. more |
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See the complete set of lessons here